For Investors Looking To Do More Deals, FASTER!
Get Access To Sales Scripts, Talk Tracks, Sales Playbooks, And Recordings So You Can Close EVERY "Closable" Deal!
Close More Deals With Higher Profit Margins Without Spending More On Marketing
A predictable, consistent and reliable system for buying houses.
The training is always fresh, so it's never out-dated.
Never be at a loss for words. Start with our scripts, then customize them to make them your own.
Purchase once, then train all current and future employees... forever.
Hear the sales process in action with real sellers.
Customize our "sales playbook" so it's a perfect fit for you.
Find out how to outbuy without the highest offer.
Adopt a highly-effective, pressure-free and ethical selling system that offers solutions to people.
Never lose another deal to competition, stalls, objections or anything else.
If you feel like you're stuck... like you've reached a plateau, or you are overworking, then it's time to start replacing yourself.
Rockstar salespeople are hard to find. They are sometimes difficult to manage. They're even harder to keep. And when they leave, most businesses take a huge step back and lose their momentum... they have to start over. With the right acquisitions process, you don't need rockstars. Simply place your employees in the system and let it do all the heavy lifting.
In order to grow, most investors increase their marketing spend. Their overhead grows tremendously while profit margins shrink. One bad month can send them into a tail-spin. That's no way to live. The best investors keep overhead manageable by focusing heavily on converting every closable deal. Stress disappears and profit margins soar.
We’ll make a list of everything that’s not working… Then we’ll put together a rock-solid plan to fix it all.
You'll get the outline to a perfect REI sales call and even give you the exact scripting to use so you can get some quick wins.
You'll learn how to remove any sales pressure and prospect anxiety within the first 30 seconds of any interaction.
Discover how to use a simple questioning strategy to take any tiny bit of motivation that exists in a seller and turn it into a tremendous sense of urgency to take action.
You'll master how to remove any prospect resistance, big or small, without having to do anything weird, uncomfortable.
You'll learn how to quickly uncover anything that might get in the way of a deal, and how to move past it.
The right presentation will allow you to win deals even when you don’t have the highest offer.
You’ll learn four super simple and highly effective tactics to negotiate like a pro.
We'll spend 2 weeks running through common REI sales scenarios.
Is it really "unlimited"? What's the catch?
Yes, it's unlimited. There's no catch! Many of the investors have utilized this training program for 2-5 years... every new employee gets their own login. Investors typically use this training for both onboarding new sales reps and for ongoing sales training/mastery.
When are the live trainings?
Each training is on Wednesday at 11 am EST. They typically last 1 hour and 15 minutes.
What if I miss a live session?
No worries... every session we've ever done is recorded and placed in a library in the online portal. You never have to worry about missing out.
How much does it cost?
We'll be brutally honest, it's not "cheap". However, we typically have special promotions and discounts available. Inquire to learn more about what's available right now.
Will it work for my business and exit strategy?
If you need to buy properties at a discount, and beat your competition, then this is for you. We've successfully trained flippers, wholesalers, buy-and-holders, whole-tailers... those who buy face-to-face and virtually... the list goes on.
How can I be sure it will work?
You can't be sure, but thousands of investors have been through our training, so we recommend you ask those in any masterminds or investment groups that you're part of... we're confident that you'll love what you hear. We've never had a single complaint.
© REI Sales Academy. All rights reserved.