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Learn The Secret To Transforming Your REI Business Into A High Converting Buying and Selling Machine!

Attend This Online Training If You...

Want to reclaim lost revenue from leads you should be closing.
Want to learn how to create bigger profit margins PER DEAL without having to spend more on marketing.
Want to systemize your sales processes so there is more revenue consistency in your business.
Want proven resources to train you or your team into sales assassins.

The REI Sales Academy

Jerry is a native of Ohio and currently lives in Germantown Ohio, with his wife of 20 years and their 4 children.

Jerry started in the REI Business in 1994 after going through a bankruptcy in Springfield Ohio. He began by wholesaling properties, and then merged into Fix and Flips. Since that time he has been involved with doing over 3,000 deals including fix and flips of single and multifamily rentals, and commercial properties.

He soon realized there was a big difference from just being in REI and actually running a real business. So after multiple failures, millions of dollars in mistakes, and through personal tragedy, he was able to build a true, scalable, REI Business.

Now he works as the CEO of his REI Business, but is operationally removed from the business as whole. He does a high volume of wholesale deals, which are all done virtually.

Jerry now spends his time helping others learn the REI Business. He teaches them how to build and scale their businesses and shows them how to master their Acquisition skills with trainings and the REI Sales Academy. He offers in person and live events year round.

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